Could you be a show sponsor?
Our next musical is Sister Act, which will be performed at Stantonbury Theatre from 23rd to 26th October 2024.
Show Sponsor: £500 to £1000 donation
Your logo on the front page of the show programme and on the Booking/Current productions page of the website with a link to your business website or Facebook business page.
A mention in all social media and audio-visual marketing throughout the run-up to the show. This includes a photoshoot and the statement "In association with show sponsor COMPANY NAME".
Two to four complimentary tickets to the main Company MK show (depending on level of donation).
Full-page advert in the show programme (210mm X 148mm).
Advertising scheme for A5 show programme
Get your business name and contact details in front of up to 800 by advertising within our main show programme. Costs and dimensions are as follows:
£30 for a quarter page advert (vertical)
£50 for half page advert (horizontal)
£100 for full page advert (vertical)